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Unwell (The Un Series Book 1) Page 3
Unwell (The Un Series Book 1) Read online
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The club is packed, but we manage to find a high top to congregate around near the dance floor. The guys take my and Tatum’s drink orders before heading to the bar. “I can’t believe I finally get to meet Whiskey! Holy shit, Azley, you didn’t tell me he was so fucking hot!” Tatum has to yell over the music thumping through the sound systems.
“Well, I was kind of in a state of panic that night. Sorry that noticing how hot a man saving me from what was the worst moment of my life wasn’t a priority.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry, but damn girl you’re noticing now, right? He’s certainly noticed you. Did you see how he was checking you out? The look in eyes was smoldering, I tell you. You must have made an impression.”
I shake my head at Tatum’s enthusiasm. I let out a shaky laugh before responding, “Yeah, I’m sure it was a ‘this bitch is crazy’ impression.” The guys return with our drinks, effectively cutting off the current conversation. I grab my bay breeze from Evan and take a gulp, trying to settle my nerves.
Tatum graces me with a wink before dragging Parker and Cal onto the dance floor; leaving me alone with Evan. He stands facing me, hands in his pockets, looking down at his feet before he lifts his head just slightly so that he’s looking at me through his lashes. I give him a slow once over from head to toe. His hair, the color of milk chocolate, is short on the sides but longer on top. It's artfully messy, like he’s been running his hands through it, and I can't help but imagine how sexy it would be if I ran my fingers through it, giving it that fresh fucked look. His shoulders are broad and his chest is well-developed; shown off through a tight white t-shirt. He’s wearing faded jeans that hang low on his trim waist, and black shoes. Full lips are smirking at me as my eyes travel back up. He stands maybe a foot above my five foot three height. I love how tall he is, and I suddenly want to climb him like a tree.
“Like what you see?” he asks as his lust filled eyes make the same perusal of my body.
“Actually, not really”, I tell him. I need to get a grip! Shut this lust down before it gets the better of me. “You’re a bit too tall for my taste. The arrogance in your voice is rather unappealing, as well.”
His eyes round in shock, and I can’t help the giggle that escapes at the lost look on his face. I don’t imagine he gets turned down too often. I turn to walk away, but stop when his hand grabs my elbow. “Wait, let me try this again.”
“You’ve got one shot, buddy. Why should I give you the time of day, or night as it were?” I ask him.
“Just give me one dance. That’s all I want. I’m not looking for a hook up; just a dance with a beautiful woman I haven’t seen in ages.” I can hear the sincerity in his voice, so I decide that one dance couldn’t hurt. It’s not like I’m going to take him home tonight, or ever.
“I’ll give you one dance, Evan. Depending on your moves, I may give you one more.” I wink at him before grabbing his hand and leading him out to the dance floor.
Get Busy by Sean Paul has just started playing and Evan immediately pulls my hips into his. We move together flawlessly, and soon I’m spun to press my back to his front. I place my hands over his as he grips my hips tighter, grinding against me. My body has a mind of its own as my hips sway and press against his crotch, my hands slowly roaming up my body and then looping around his neck. It’s sensual and erotic, as though we’re making love to each other, setting my body on fire in the most glorious way. We dance together through two more songs, seducing each other with our movements. As we leave the dance floor, Evan grabs my hand and brings it up to his lips, giving it a soft kiss on my knuckles. He’s trying to be a gentleman, and I can’t help but find it endearing.
“I’ll go grab us some bottled water. Don’t move from this spot!”
“Okay,” I tell him with a laugh and shake my head. I never had so much fun dancing with a guy before. I scan the dance floor and find Tatum snuggled into Parker, dancing to a slow song. I hope they become an official couple. They look so cute together.
Evan makes his way back to the table a few minutes later, making a show of cracking the seal on my bottle of water. I take it from him, my fingers lightly brushing against his, and take a sip. “Thanks, I would never have accepted it if it had already been opened.”
“As it should be.” He leans in then, his lips brushing against my ear, his voice smooth and rich, washing over me with ease while setting my body aflame. “Come home with me.”
“I can’t. I have a sort of boyfriend.”
“What do you mean sort of?” He looks at me, brows scrunched up in confusion.
I shrug a shoulder and reply, “There's no commitment. We just exclusively fuck each other.”
“Break up with him.”
He’s so blunt with his statement, I’m stunned for a moment before I can respond. “Now why would I want to do that? I have a perfect non-relationship going. It's hassle free and I don't have to worry about all the mushy shit that goes along with being romanced.”
“Because, if you're going to exclusively fuck someone, it should be with someone who knows how to fuck you properly.”
“Wow, again with the bluntness. What makes you think he doesn't fuck me properly?” I put my hands on my hips, feeling affronted. No way will I admit I’m not being properly fucked. It’s a sad situation I’d rather keep to myself.
“Because if he was, you wouldn't be standing in front of me right now, wishing I would slam you up against a wall and give you the proper fucking you need.” He eyes me up and down, that slow perusal from head to toe he had done earlier. It takes all my strength to not squeeze my thighs together from the lust in those gorgeous eyes of his.
“Oh wow! That ego of yours is impressive. Well, you know what they say about big egos, right?”
“No, what do they say?”
I wave my right hand around his head, “Big ego,” and then motion towards his dick, “little, you know...”
“Little what?” His voice deepens, as though he’s offended, but I can see amusement dancing in his eyes.
I lean in as if telling a secret and whisper, “Dick.”
He throws his head back in laughter before meeting my eyes with a lascivious grin. “Sugar, trust me, the only thing on me that’s big is my dick.”
I glance over Evan ’s shoulder and my laughter quickly dies. “That asshole,” I whisper heatedly.
Evan looks back to see who I’m looking at. “What’s going on?”
“Oh nothing, just my exclusive fuck kissing another woman.” I push passed Evan and make my way over to where Brad is standing with his arms around a beautiful brunette.
“Hi, Brad, fancy seeing you here!” I exclaim before turning towards the girl. “Hi, I’m Azley, and you are?”
The woman looks confused for a moment as Brad mutters unintelligibly and I give her my brightest, fake smile. “I’m Jaqueline, Brad’s fiancée, he just proposed to me tonight! We’re here celebrating. How do you know Brad?”
“Ohhhh, I’ve just been fucking him every other Saturday for the past three months. Nice to finally meet you Jack. That is what you go by, right?” I say in the sweetest voice I can muster. I turn to Brad, giving him a couple hard taps on the cheek before turning and walking away. I hold my head up high, shoulders square, as I listen to Brad scream out bitch towards my back. Serves the cheating bastard right to be outed like that.
As I approach the table, I see Tatum and the guys all gathered around watching me. Tatum is the first say anything. “What the hell was that about?”
“I just dumped Brad.” I huff out.
“You dumped him?” She’s understandably shocked, considering our conversation earlier in the night.
“Yep, dumped him. Washed my hands of the scumbag.” I swipe my hands together as though cleaning them off.
“For someone who told me earlier she didn’t care either way, why do you seem so pissed having the truth confirmed?”
“Because, that asshole just ruined a perfectly good noncommittal relationsh
ip. Now I'm going to have to take care of my own orgasm tonight.” Evan, Parker, and Cal all spit their drinks out in unison at my statement, turning wide eyes to me. Tatum gives me a high five before looking down at her phone.
“Ok boys, Azley and I are out. Uber driver is here.”
As we hug the guys goodbye, Evan grabs my hand and pulls me aside. “Give me your phone.”
“My we’re demanding tonight.” I pull my phone from my clutch and hand it over.
He swipes the screen then smirks at me, handing it back. “Passcode.”
“So demanding,” I mutter under my breath as I type in the numbers, then hand the phone over again. I watch him dial a number before his own phone starts ringing.
“There, now we have each other’s numbers. Use it.” Before I can say anything, Evan grabs both sides of my face and leans in kissing me tentatively, like he's unsure how I'm going to react. I slide my hands up his arms to his solid shoulders and give them a gentle squeeze. He wraps his hands around my neck as his tongue darts out to lick my lips, begging for entrance. I part my lips, allowing him in for a few moments before pulling back. He presses his forehead against mine, his hand still wrapped around my neck, “Call me. Please.”
I walk out of the club with Tatum’s arm snaked through mine, a little breathless and a lot turned on. “I think I’m in trouble, Tatum. Big trouble.”
“Yes, you are, my love. Yes. You. Are.” She laughs hysterically at me as we climb into the waiting car and head back to Tatum’s apartment.
Chapter 3
I watch Azley walk out of the club, still feeling her lips on mine. Tasting her sweetness on my tongue. I couldn’t let her leave without finding out just what she tasted like, and it was truly amazing. I didn’t want to pull away from her, never had to struggle once to back off from a kiss, but if I hadn’t I would have slammed her against the wall and fucked her in front of the entire club. That’s how twisted up my head was just from being around her a short couple of hours. Her long brown hair framed her beautiful heart shaped face and cascaded in waves over her bare shoulders. Full lips that begged to be kissed, the bottom lip sticking out slightly as though she were pouting. While her tiny body was pressed against mine on the dance floor, the desire to kiss her, to be with her, suddenly was no longer a choice. When I finally got the chance to capture her beautiful lips with mine, I knew I was done for. I want more, I want her to be mine.
I don’t know why, but ever since that night she jumped in my car I haven’t been able to get her out of my head. She had looked so lost and broken, on the verge of falling completely apart, yet so determined not to. Her sea foam eyes had grabbed onto me, to my soul, and I felt compelled to take away all of her pain. After she fled my car and ran into the gas station, I pulled over to one of the gas pumps. I waited until I saw her being lead out by her friend, watched her collapse into the car, grab onto her friend for dear life and dissolve into a fit of wails.
I didn’t know who the douche was that had been banging on my window, screaming at her. I didn’t know what he had done to break her so badly. All I knew was that I couldn’t leave until she was somewhere safe, being taken care of. I felt like a stalker as I followed her friend when she finally pulled out of the parking lot. After making sure she made it safe inside the apartment I followed them to, I headed back to the restaurant to see if that fucker was still around. I wanted to put my fist to his face. I didn’t even know this girl, didn’t know her name, but I wanted to protect her and right any wrongs he had done to her.
“Dude, what the fuck was that?” Parker slaps me on my back, and I blink a couple times as I come back to the present.
“What, you’ve never seen a guy kiss a girl before? Or are you jealous? Pretty sure I saw you trying to suck Tatum’s tongue out of her mouth on the dance floor. Thought you were going to fuck her right then and there.” I watch my little brother’s face turn bright red and laugh as he tries to form words.
“What? I…whatever asshole. I could say the same thing about you and Azley. I didn’t know you two knew each other.”
“We met briefly a few years ago. She was still pregnant, and I hadn’t seen her since. I’m guessing she’s not with the dad anymore?” I assume she isn’t, since the jackass she just confronted looked nothing like the guy from three years ago.
“Nah, that douchefuck is nowhere in the picture. He really did a number on her, though. She doesn’t date the same guy for very long, or twice for that matter. Good riddance if you ask me.” Parker gives me a look as if he’s warning me of my chances with Azley.
“Any chance you can clue your brother in on what exactly happened?” I raise a brow in question, compelling him to give me any info on her that he can.
“That’s her story to tell, Evan. Trust me though, she’s not one to get serious about. I’ve known her a long time, and the person she is now is not the person she was before.” Parker shrugs and turns to walk up to the bar.
I let his words sink in, remember her comment There's no commitment. We just exclusively fuck each other. She’s afraid of commitment, but doesn’t have a problem with fucking. I can work with that. For some unexplained reason, I need this girl in my life. There’s something about her I can’t shake. I need to get to know her.
“And why wouldn’t I want to get serious about her? She seems like a really nice girl. What aren’t you telling me, Parker?”
“Look, all I’m saying is she’s got a kid. Do you seriously want to jump into that kind of complication? She’s my friend, and I love her, but come on, girls with kids are usually looking for one thing and that’s a daddy for said kid. Besides, isn’t she a bit young for you old man?” He shrugs a shoulder before tipping a bottle of beer to his lips. Feeling a bit on the defensive side for Azley, I tap the bottom of the bottle, causing the beer to splash out onto his face. Childish? Yes. Satisfying when he mumbles “what the fuck?” Absolutely.
“Now who’s being a douchefuck, Parker? Where would we be if Ken had decided that Mom wasn’t worth it? That her having three boys was too much work and just a complication? That she was only after his money? Or have you forgotten that part of our life? And fuck you on the old man thing. Our age difference isn’t that much, asshole.” I leave my brother at the bar to stew on that as I walk away. I head home, thoughts of Azley running through my head.
Chapter 4
After a night of polishing off a box of wine, convincing Tatum that a marathon of Criminal Minds was a better choice over Little Women: LA, discussing all of Brads bad personality flaws and why it was a good thing that I caught him last night, I fell asleep on the couch; too tired to make my way to Tatum’s bedroom. I wake up the next morning with a headache from hell, my lower back in pain again, and blurry vision. I rub my fingertips over my forehead and then my close eyes. “What the hell?”
My right eyelid feels swollen, and I can feel moisture leaking from it when I press on it. I manage to pull myself up to a sitting position and wait for my vision to clear up enough to see. Once I can, I stumble my way to the bathroom. I cry out in shock when I see my face. My eyelid is swollen almost completely shut and tinged a light purple. I’ve never had this happen before, and I’m hoping I just had a bad reaction to sleeping with make-up on my face. I must have rubbed some into my eye at some point last night. I turn on the shower, then quietly make my way into Tatum’s room to grab my overnight bag. Once I’m in the shower, I brace my hands on the wall and let the hot water run over my lower back. It’s soothing, and soon the ache I feel there fades away. I scrub my face, carefully washing around my eye, to remove the make-up.
Tatum opens the bathroom door as I’m rinsing conditioner out of my hair. “Good morning sunshine! I hope you’re saving some of that hot water for me. I’m feeling rather disgusting this morning.”
“Yeah, I don’t think I can promise you that. I’m done, though, can you pass a towel?” I turn the shower off then reach around the shower curtain and grab t
he towel Tatum hands me. Once I have it wrapped around myself, I step out and hear Tatum gasp.
“Av, what the hell happened to your face? Did you get into some kind of brawl last night after I went to bed? Oh, my god, does it hurt?” I instinctively reach up and touch my eye. It hurts now, and the leaking is getting worse.
“I think I rubbed my make-up into my eye while asleep. I don’t know. I’m sure it will go down soon.”
“I was going to suggest we go out for breakfast, but maybe we’ll just hit a drive-thru? How about some Jack in the Box?” Tatum grabs her keys and purse while I head down the hall to get my overnight bag. We hit the Jack drive-thru before heading to my mom’s house.
“Thanks for last night, my love. I had a great time, but now I need to get back to the real world. See ya’ in the morning for coffee?” I ask Tatum as I open the passenger door to her beat up Accord.
“As always. Give the bug a kiss and hug for me.” I wave good-bye before walking into the house.
“Mom, where are you guys?” I call out to the quiet space. It’s nearly noon now, and close to Tyler’s naptime; he should be finishing up his lunch. I go to check his room that my mom keeps for him when he stays over with her, nothing. I pull my phone from purse as I take my bag back to the living room. I’m about to dial my mom’s number when I hear a door bang open, followed by little feet pounding on the tile and giggling.
“Come on Gamma! Catch me, catch me!”
“You can’t get away from me for long cuddle bug. It’s naptime, and you need to wash up first.” I hear laughter in my mom’s voice as she chases her grandson down the hall. As soon as he hits my doorway I reach out and grab him, pulling him into me for one our squeezers.
“Momma, I chased a lizawd!” His big brown eyes grow wide as saucers as he looks at my face.
“A lizard? Did you catch him?”
The lizard forgotten, his little hand patting my right eye before he says, “Momma owies?”